Blog #1: Good News or Bad News, This is The News I Use

My Top 5 News Sources: 

Indian Country Today 

    Indian Country Today is an Independent News Enterprise. They truly do their best to serve the Indigenous communities with various forms of news. One specific form of news they offer is labeled as opinion. This warns the reader of potential bias and a subjective view on something. I find their information to be extremely helpful and informing to people who are non-indigenous or have never taken the time to understand what Indigenous people in this country fight for or deal with daily. I encourage everyone to take a look at their website and articles as it is extremely eye opening and useful in the understanding of their culture. 

The Washington Post 

    The Washington Post is a newspaper and online news source that is published daily from D.C., and popular around the whole country. They also have certain sections and/or articles labelled as opinions to help show likely bias. I find this incredibly helpful and puts added faith in the honesty and reliability of their articles. I grew up and live around D.C., so it is also a given that this newspaper would be one of my top sources to depend on. The Washington Post is useful to stay up to date on current events and I know that if they print or publish anything that proves to be wrong, they produce reprints and explanations. This again makes them an extremely reliable and trustworthy source. 

The New York Times

    The New York Times is based in New York and known well throughout the country. The Newspaper company also has a constant track record of their facts and sources matching up. They tend to be fair but occasionally lean left like the other few papers I have listed. I think that they are unbiased in many ways other than their opinion sections which are labeled and clearly subjective to the writer's perspective. The New York Times has always been popular and I have always taken interest in the information and news they provide.


    CNN stands for Cable Network News. They have a wide variety of news to share, and it is sometimes more convenient to watch the news compared to reading it. When you are getting ready or eating breakfast/dinner you have time to pop the news on and see what's happening. I think CNN is a credible source and they do occasionally to have some tendencies to lean left but not enough to create the cause of argument. 
    However, I know they received backlash many times due to Trump's hatred towards them. I think it is funny and shows a lot about his character how he got so upset about it. Sometimes all you need is a good laugh, and nothing makes me laugh harder than hearing or reading the next idiotic thing that comes out of Trump's mouth. Overall, without straying too far from the main point, I do think CNN has held their reputation well and stays credible which is why I enjoy using them as a news source. 

Various Social Media Platforms

I think it is obvious that almost everyone and anyone who has a smart device or internet access can use one of these platforms. There is a lot that you can learn, not just about the world but about the people closer to you and around you.
 On YouTube I hear about celebrities apologizing for things that have gone wrong or what they have done wrong. 

Instagram is full of what everyone is doing and exactly where they are. I can see pictures of where my friends are and what new adventures they have been on.
TikTok is insane these days. I find out new things with each video I watch. People get "cancelled" left and right. There are also always new fashion trends or once again a lot of gossip accounts and stalking of celebrities. 

Snapchat has a lot of small news outlets on their stories page. A lot of the news is gossip columns or videos about which celebrity married another or who just got divorced or cheated on. There is also some news that is factual but it tends to be more of a platform for socializing and keeping up with your friends. 

Facebook is more family friendly in my opinion. I keep up with close relatives and friends from high school on Facebook. The news I get from there is usually just keeping up with my family and friends. 

Twitter is one social media platform that I get a lot of information from when I open the app. People get into arguments or some random tweets go viral for the craziest reasons. People will ask the internet to help them find a cute person by using a picture they took on a plane and it is crazy how fast word can travel. Twitter is extremely useful when you want to see what everyone is up to. All major celebrities and other news sources have accounts that they constantly post on. 

Social media creates the chance for people to spread word fast and get involved easily. Whereas traditional websites, tv channel news or a newspaper tends to be less easy to spread news if not watched at the right time or read when delivered. It always leaves me shocked at how much news you can learn from social media. 
