
Showing posts from December, 2021

Blog #4 EOTO: In Case You Have Been Living Under A Rock...

Petroglyphs & Hieroglyphs  What is Communication? Communication:  "the process of exchanging words, signs, or information with others. It is done either verbally or non-verbally."            Below is my reflection on non-verbal communication methods that eventually evolved into forms of verbal communication. Petroglyphs & Hieroglyphs are like the founding fathers of the constitution. They created iconic ways to communicate that evolved into the technology we have today. The Evolution of Traditional to New Media      This video is a perfect for any age and I'm sure it will teach you something. I was born in 1999, so I grew up with a lot of new technology being developed and sold. My parents and grandparents grew up in earlier generations. They had earlier forms of technology that set the bar for modern day technology.       Most people don't know the origins of communication or how long ago it began and especially how far it has evolved with technological advan